Influencer Programme

Join Our Trusted Influencer Team
Gain Commission on Every Sale

You will earn a 10% commission on every sale that comes via your exclusive promo code.

Gift your Audience with an Exclusive Discount

Track your sales via your promo code which also gives your audience £20 off our products.

Receive a Free Testing Kit

To ensure that you truly love what you're selling, we will provide you with a free Biomesight testing kit for you to experience and share your experience with your followers.

Social Media Following

We ask that our influencers have a social media profile with at least 10,000 followers.


Ideally, you will be based in the UK, EU, USA or Canada.

Health Conscious

If you and your following have a passion for health and fitness, then we're sure you will be a great fit for us.

DISCLAIMER This service has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or other healthcare authorities. Our platform and related products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Ranges apply to over 18s only.