
We are pleased to offer worldwide shipping. Free sample returns are only available in the USA, UK and Canada.

We can offer guidance with sample returns from other countries.

Country Kit shipping Sample Returns Kit shipping Sample Returns
Cost Standard shipping Expedited available Tracked Cost
USA Free 2-10 days Yes Yes Free
UK Free Next working day (First Class) Yes Yes Free
Canada Free 2-10 days Yes Yes Free
France Free 1-8 days Yes N/A Extra
Australia Free 3-7 days Yes N/A Extra
Germany, Spain, Italy, Ireland Free 3-10 days Yes N/A Extra
Rest of EU Extra 3-12 days Yes N/A Extra
Rest of World Extra 2-20 days Yes N/A Extra
DISCLAIMER This service has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or other healthcare authorities. Our platform and related products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Ranges apply to over 18s only.